BSK DESK, Hyderabad April 27

Don Bosco Network, BOSCONET, the largest NGO network in India educates marginalized children, skilling youth, empowers women, and protects the environment. organized, the (youth Empowerment for Sustainability & Social Impact (YESS) Forum meeting at Taj West End, Race Course Road, Bangalore on 22nd April to commemorate the earth day, to showcase innovative models and initiatives undertaken by non-profits, start-ups, corporate CSR teams, and other stakeholders in the areas of education, sustainable livelihoods, environment, and women empowerment.
The YESS Forum meeting was attended by non-profits, start-ups, businesses, and other stakeholders to actively participate and discuss the forum in the areas of education, sustainable livelihoods, environment, and women empowerment. As part of the Don Bosco network, three members from BSK represented the meeting, namely, Fr. Sarath, Assistant Executive Director of BSK, Ms. Rosalind, and Mr. Ramesh from Don Bosco Navajeevan. Based on the theme: Catalysing Climate Action Fr. Sarath, Assist Executive of Director of BSK addressed the gathering with a PowerPoint presentation on the theme “Energy Forever” Programme which was initiated, and the impact created by the program in Don Bosco Institutions both in Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, and South Odisha. At this point, we are happy to inform you that at the call of our international chairmen Rev Fr Angel that by end of 2030 all the DB institutions across the globe should set up solar power units. It good to note that The Salesian Province of Hyderabad has reached this feat 10 years ahead of the call given by our International Chairperson. In 31 Don Bosco across Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, and South Odisha we have put 825 kilowatts of solar power units. This also aims to significantly reduce the risks and impacts of climate change, with a view to supporting and facilitating youth-led climate action to reach its full potential and impact.
YESS Forum also helped in the development sector to incorporate proven models and innovative ideas in our interventions aimed at marginalized youth. and also, how we go about extending the collaboration with CSR partners. This forum also help us to meet people who are interested to work with marginalized section of young people both from CSR and Industry. YESS forum was best forum where both Implementing and partnering organizations have come on to single flat form.
The present generation of the youth today is faced with several problems and challenges. Speaking of the various challenges faced by youth, requires an inclusive, and cross-sectoral approach, with the involvement of governments, corporates, youth, and all sectors of society. Empowerment of youth would require a holistic approach in the terms of educational attainment, digital accessibility, poverty reduction, employability, environment protection, and youth entrepreneurship. 200 million people are now organizing and united, fighting for climate protection across 141 countries. In par with serious concerns about our changing environment being studied and addressed today by prominent scientists, politicians, and young climate change activists alike, some people are adapting to more environmentally friendly ways of living every day, not just on April 22 every year.


  • Michael says:

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  • April Harris says:

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